To return a string of x characters read from the keyboard, or from file number.
INPUT$(x[,[#]file number)]
If the keyboard is used for input, no characters will appear on the screen. All control characters (except CTRL-BREAK) are passed through. CTRL-BREAK interrupts the execution of the INPUT$ function.
The INPUT$ function is preferred over INPUT and LINE INPUT statements for reading communications files, because all ASCII characters may be significant in communications. INPUT is the least desirable because input stops when a comma or carriage return is seen. LINE INPUT terminates when a carriage return is seen.
INPUT$ allows all characters read to be assigned to a string. INPUT$ will return x characters from the file number or keyboard.
For more information about communications, refer to Appendix F in the GW-BASIC User's Guide.
The following example lists the contents of a sequential file in hexadecimal.
10 OPEN"I", 1, "DATA" 20 IF EOF(1) THEN 50 30 PRINT HEX$(ASC(INPUT$(1, #1))); 40 GOTO 20 50 PRINT 60 END
In the following program, the program pauses, awaiting a keyboard entry of either P or S. Line 130 continues to loop back to line 100 if the input is other than P or S.
. . . 100 PRINT "TYPE P TO PROCEED OR S TO STOP" 110 X$=INPUT$(1) 120 IF X$="P" THEN 500 130 IF X$="S" THEN 700 ELSE 100 . . .