Spaces to position n on the screen.
If the current print position is already beyond space n, TAB goes to that position on the next line.
Space 1 is the leftmost position. The rightmost position is the screen width.
n must be within the range of 1 to 255.
If the TAB function is at the end of a list of data items, GW-BASIC will not return the cursor to the next line. It is as though the TAB function has an implied semicolon after it.
TAB may be used only in PRINT, LPRINT, or PRINT# statements (see the SPC function).
10 PRINT "NAME" TAB(25) "AMOUNT": PRINT 20 READ A$,B$ 30 PRINT A$ TAB(25) B$ 40 DATA "G. T. JONES","$25.00" RUN NAME AMOUNT G. T. JONES $25.00